Advices from Lake Erie Yearly Meeting on Virtual Meetings for Worship using Zoom

Many have participated in meetings of various kinds on Zoom; few have participated in a meeting for worship on Zoom. To help establish and sustain the quality of worship, we have prepared some advices below.

Advices for Participating in Online Worship

  • Enter the meeting in silence as you would for an in-person meeting for worship. Do not introduce yourself when you enter.
  • Keep your device on mute unless you are speaking. Everyone will be muted by default upon entering, and the “host” has the ability to mute and unmute any participant. Background noise such as dogs barking or cell phones ringing can be very disruptive to the spirit of worship and make it hard to hear.

If you are led to speak:

  • As always, allow some silence after any preceding message to allow it to settle in our hearts.
  • Unmute your device.
  • Introduce yourself, simply saying “This is <your name.> (Some may participate by phone, so it especially helps them.)
    • Pause briefly in case someone else has also started to speak. If so, wait for the clerk to recognize you. Otherwise, start speaking.
  • Mute your device when you are done. (The host may do so if you forget.)
  • Continuing in worship, the clerk will invite afterthoughts and joys and concerns as usual. Continue to follow the same advices for speaking.
  • If you need to get the attention of the host or clerk for any reason, use the chat feature and choose to whom to address your message or use the raise hand feature. If you are using only a phone to connect, consider texting the host first; unmute and speak to the group, if necessary.