Today is “Back to School” for many Grand Rapids area schools. For most schools, if not today, then classes begin this week.
Where did summer go? We say this every year, and every year, we share the collective shock of the calendar turning to September.
What did you do on your summer vacation? (I went home to New York City to visit family for 10 days. I stopped in Ohio, at my old university, saw friends in Pittsburgh, and spent time with family and old friends in Queens and on Long Island.)
All summer long, we’ve been asking for your input for ideas, discussions, and events for our Meeting this fall. It’s become our tradition to have the Third Sunday of each month feature a presentation and discussion after Meeting for Worship. We also revived Seekers Meetings – discussion and Q&A on the Fifth Sunday of months that have one. Many of us have also been reading and discussing books together. Finally, many of us have gathered for social time, enjoying snacks and drinks together, sometimes to discuss a topic, sometimes to celebrate a holiday or event.
We don’t want to simply discuss, present, or read on just any old topic – so we ask those who attend Meeting to tell us what books, what ideas, and what topics interest them.
Last week, we sent out a survey asking for input on specific ideas and books and dates. If you haven’t seen the survey yet, it can be found here.
It’s only 10 simple questions, all “choose and click” answers. Please take the survey if you haven’t yet. If you have longer comments and input, feel free to email me ( or feel free to any other members or our Clerks.
For a moderately small Meeting, we’re rather active. We’ve had 15 responses to the survey so far. I will share results with everyone once we have given a chance for a few others to respond.
We care what you think. We value your input. After all, it’s our meeting.
Peace & Light!